FREE 3-Day Challenge for Coaches, Therapists, & Facilitators

Unlock the Power of Somatic Coaching

Harness the Infinite Potential of the Body for Lasting Client Results and 6-Figure Success.

MAY 13-15, 2024 | 3:00 pm to 4:00 pm PST

In just 3 days, you can learn to tap into the power of somatic coaching and start making a real difference in your clients’ lives.

Somatic coaching is an incredibly powerful tool for accessing new depths of understanding and transformation. It allows you to use the body as a source of intelligence, guidance, and healing. When using this approach, you can guide your clients to uncover and release old patterns, limiting beliefs, and traumas that are often at the root of their issues.

In this 3-day challenge, you’ll learn how to integrate somatic coaching into your practice and create profound experiences for your clients that will lead to lasting, positive change and long-term business growth.

Here’s what we’ll cover:

Day 1 – Vision: Clarify Your Dream Business

We’ll clarify your aligned business vision, who you are becoming, and how you want to use somatic coaching with your clients.

Day 2 – Embodiment: Go on a Somatic Journey Yourself

We’ll use powerful somatic coaching techniques to help you release impostor syndrome and step into empowered leadership so you can confidently share your gifts.

Day 3 – Implementation: Teach a Powerful Somatic Session

You’ll be guided step-by-step through leading a mini somatic coaching session so you can see and feel what it’s like to guide others using this technique. You’ll also get feedback on your session.


If you're called to offer deeper somatic transformations with your clients but don't know where to start, this challenge is for you!

Somatic Coaching is the most effective modality for deep and lasting transformation on the whole-freakin’-planet.

Learn how to start implementing it into your practice today.