Breathwork for Trauma: How Facilitators Can Lead the Way to Recovery

Breathwork for Trauma: How Facilitators Can Lead the Way to Recovery

As coaches, healers, and facilitators (or aspiring ones), we have the privilege of helping people on their journey toward healing and recovery. We get to witness firsthand the transformation and growth that our clients go through. However, working with individuals who have experienced trauma can be challenging and emotionally draining for both parties involved. That’s where breathwork for trauma healing can be supportive.

In this blog, we’ll explore the effects of trauma, the benefits of breathwork for trauma, and how you can add it to your new or existing practice to support your clients on a deeper level. 

Ya ready? Let’s dive in!

The Effects of Trauma

Trauma can have profound and long-lasting effects on an individual’s mental, emotional, and physical well-being, resulting from deeply distressing or disturbing experiences. It can manifest in various forms such as post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), anxiety, depression, and other mental health issues. Trauma survivors often struggle with managing their emotions and finding healthy coping mechanisms to deal with the aftermath of their traumatic experiences.

This is where breathwork for trauma can be a powerful tool in a facilitator’s toolkit. Breathwork, also known as conscious breathing or breath-focused meditation, is a practice that involves controlled and intentional breathing techniques to improve mental, emotional, and physical well-being. It has been used for centuries in various cultures and traditions as a way to calm the mind and release tension from the body. (Now, modern science also shows us why the ancient practice is so effective!)

So how exactly can breathwork help for trauma recovery? Let’s dive deeper into the benefits and how facilitators can incorporate it into their practice.

Benefits of Breathwork for Trauma

There are soooo many benefits breathwork has for trauma recovery because it is a somatic tool, and trauma lives in the body. Here are just a few of the many benefits of breathwork for trauma:

Regulating Emotions: Trauma survivors often struggle with intense emotions that can feel overwhelming and uncontrollable. Pause Breathwork techniques can help regulate the nervous system and bring a sense of calmness and balance to the mind and body. By teaching our clients these techniques, we are empowering them to manage their emotions in a healthy way.

Releasing Tension: Trauma survivors may hold tension in their bodies as a result of their experiences. This can lead to physical symptoms such as muscle tension, headaches, and fatigue. Breathwork techniques can help release this tension and promote relaxation in the body.

Reconnecting with the Body: In times of trauma, individuals may dissociate from their bodies as a coping mechanism. This disconnection can make it challenging to process and heal from the trauma. Breathwork can help clients reconnect with their bodies, promoting a sense of safety and grounding.

Cultivating Mindfulness: By focusing on the breath, individuals can cultivate mindfulness and be present in the moment. This can be especially helpful for those who struggle with intrusive thoughts or flashbacks related to their trauma.

Tips for Incorporating Breathwork into Your Practice

As a coach, healer, or facilitator, you have a unique opportunity to introduce breathwork to your clients and guide them through these techniques. Here are some tips for incorporating breathwork into your practice:

Educate Your Clients: Start by educating your clients on the benefits of breathwork for trauma. This will help them understand the purpose of the techniques and motivate them to give it a try.

Create a Safe Space: It is essential to create a safe and comfortable space for breathwork sessions. This could be in your office or a dedicated room with minimal distractions.

Begin with Simple Techniques: Start with simple breathwork techniques and build from there. This will help your clients get comfortable with the practice before moving on to more advanced techniques. (You can start with these FREE techniques in our Guided Breathwork Cheatsheet)

Allow for Emotions: During breathwork sessions, emotions may surface for your clients. It is essential to create a non-judgmental and supportive space for them to express their emotions and release them.

Encourage Practice: Encourage your clients to practice breathwork outside of sessions. This will help them develop the skills and make it a part of their daily routine for long-lasting change.

Final Thoughts on Breathwork for Trauma

Breathwork for trauma can be a powerful tool in the recovery process. As coaches, healers, and facilitators, we have the ability to introduce this technique and guide our clients towards healing and resilience. By incorporating breathwork into our practice, we can promote a sense of safety, cultivate mindfulness, and empower our clients on their journey toward healing.

If you’re curious how to get started, we offer a 6-month Pause Breathwork Facilitator Training program where we teach you everything you need to know to confidently lead breathwork as a trauma-aware breathwork facilitator.

With a comprehensive curriculum and hands-on experience, you’ll gain the skills and knowledge needed to support your clients in their healing process. 

Ready to join forces and lead the way towards transformation through breathwork?  Reach out to learn more about our program if you’re looking to add a powerful tool to your arsenal as a coach or facilitator. Your clients will thank you for it!

With love,

Samantha Skelly + The Pause Breathwork Team

Want to 10X your Impact, Influence & Income + help your clients get lasting results?

If you want to learn even more about breathwork and incorporate it into your coaching business, I’m offering a FREE Breathwork Training called “Get Lasting Results for Your Coaching Clients”. This training will dive deep into:

  • Why breathwork is the fastest growing healing modality right now, and why it’s important to add it to your coaching toolkit
  • 1 Technique that you can start using with your clients right now that will help you stand out from other coaches
  • How breathwork can help you grow your business to 5 figure months
  • And much more juicy goodness…

Sign up for the free breathwork training here to add this powerful tool to your coaching business and start seeing incredible results with your clients. You’ll learn how to incorporate this in a way that feels natural and intuitive, not forced or inauthentic. I can’t wait to share this with you!

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