Breathwork Music: The Key to a More Effective Healing Session

Did you know that breathwork music can be the key to unlocking a more powerful and effective coaching or healing session? Yeppers, it’s true. The type of music you play during a breathwork session can greatly impact your clients’ overall experience and results.

In this blog post, we will delve into the world of breathwork music and how it can take your coaching sessions to the next level. So grab a cup of chaga (or whatever drink you fancy) and let’s rrrrroll! Are you ready?

The Power of Breathwork & Music

First things first, let’s talk about breathwork and its benefits. For those who are new to the concept, breathwork is a practice that involves conscious breathing techniques to promote relaxation, reduce stress and anxiety, and improve overall well-being. It has been used for centuries in various cultures as a way to connect with oneself and achieve deeper states of consciousness.

Now, imagine combining this powerful practice with music – it’s like a match made in heaven! 

You see, music has a way of bypassing our conscious mind and reaching straight to our emotions. It can evoke feelings and memories that we may not even be aware of. That’s why choosing the right kind of breathwork music for your sessions is crucial in creating a safe space for your clients to explore their inner selves and release what’s no longer serving them.


Finding the Right Breathwork Music

When it comes to choosing the right music for a breathwork session, there are a few things to keep in mind:

This is a sacred experience

Having the right music can truly be what makes or breaks a session. Itā€™s important to prioritize the crafting of playlists and to treat this as an extremely sacred aspect of crafting a journey. Think carefully about the mood and tone you want to set for your session and choose music that aligns with that.

Alignment with intention matters

What is the intention of the session? Does the music support the intention thatā€™s been chosen? This is important to think about when crafting a journey.

Embodied it yourself first

The best way to know if a  music choice will align or be impactful in the way you want it to is to try it on yourself first. Notice how your body responds to the music. Does it make you feel more relaxed? More energized? Or does it make you want to get up and dance?

Be curious about how music works

There is an incredible amount of resources available when it comes to understanding how music impacts us. We recommend you develop a relationship with music in a way youā€™ve never had before. Spend time listening to music more often, with your ears wide open.

Understand BPM (Beats Per Minute)

The tempo of a song can greatly impact the breath and heart rate of your clients, so itā€™s important to consider this when choosing music for your sessions. Slower tempos are often better for relaxation and introspection, while faster tempos can be more energizing and stimulating.

Choose instrumental over lyrical

We recommend you use instrumental music, as lyrical music can alter the breatherā€™s experience into something that is not truly authentic for them. The human body and brain are highly susceptible in these states, therefore we donā€™t want to influence the journey.

Consider the whole picture

When you craft playlists, itā€™s important to consider the entire experience and how you want it to build. We recommend crafting playlists in this way:

1. Slow build

2. Ramp-up

3. Slow down

(You can, however, craft a playlist in the way that feels most aligned with the intention chosen.)

We teach you how to confidently craft breathwork music journeys in our Pause Breathwork Facilitator Training.


How Breathwork Music Enhances Healing

  1. Creates a safe space: The right breathwork music can help create a sense of safety for your clients. By creating a soothing atmosphere, they can feel more relaxed and open to the healing process.
  2. Sets the pace: The beat of the music can subconsciously guide the breath and heart rate of your clients, allowing them to easily settle into a rhythm that is conducive to healing.
  3. Encourages emotional release: Music has a way of touching our emotions in ways we can’t always explain. By incorporating breathwork music, you can tap into the emotional aspect of healing and allow your clients to release any pent-up emotions.
  4. Gives participants permission to sounds: Deep, conscious breathing often leads to making sounds or vocalizations. With music playing, clients may feel more comfortable expressing themselves through sounds without feeling self-conscious.
  5. Enhances focus: The right music can help create a focused and meditative state for your clients, allowing them to dive deeper into their breathwork practice and experience its full benefits.
  6. Elevates mood: Music has the power to uplift our mood and create a sense of joy and love. This can be especially beneficial for clients who may be struggling with depression or anxiety, as breathwork music can help lift their spirits and promote overall well-being.

Breathwork Music I LOVE

Want access to my personal breathwork music playlists for inspiration? Follow my Spotify account here.


Take Your Coaching & Healing Sessions to the Next Level

Are you ready to facilitate deeper transformations with breathwork? In the Pause Breathwork Facilitator Training, we go into depth on how to craft powerful sessions and design musical journeys that support your clients’ healing process.

By learning how to incorporate breathwork music effectively, you’ll be able to create a safe and nurturing space for your clients to heal and transform. So why wait? Sign up now and become a part of the growing community of Pause Breathwork Facilitators. Let’s spread healing one breath at a time!  Learn more about becoming a Pause Breathwork Facilitator.

With love, 

Samantha Skelly + Pause Breathwork

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