Long vs Short Breathwork Certifications: Which One Should You Choose?


If you’ve landed here, chances are you’re curious or passionate about breathwork and the profound transformation it can bring. Maybe you’re even considering becoming a certified facilitator. If so, kudos to you! You’re on the path to not only changing your life but also making a significant impact on others’.

But before we get ahead of ourselves, let’s pause for a moment (pun intended!). In the world of breathwork certification, all programs are not created equal. Some offer quick, weekend, or week-long courses promising you’ll be ready to guide others through this powerful modality in no time. Tempting? For sure. But here’s the thingā€”breathwork is deep. It’s transformative. And most importantly, it’s a journey.

That’s why I’m a big advocate for longer, more comprehensive certification programs (like our 6-month one here at Pause). Longer containers allow you to truly dive into the depth of breathwork, embody its principles, and emerge as an empowered, knowledgeable facilitator.

Of course, there are some instances where a shorter container might be the right choice for an individual, so in this blog, weā€™ll also delve into the pros and cons of both long vs short so that you can get the full picture and make an aligned choice.

So, buckle up, my friends! We’re about to dive deeper into why your breathwork certification shouldn’t be rushed (for the mass majority of people!) and how to choose the right path for you. Let’s go!

The Power of Breathwork: More than just relaxation 

First up, letā€™s talk about the power of breathwork. From the outside, it may seem like we’re just breathing in and out, but oh, it’s so much more than that! Breathwork is a holistic and ancient mind-body approach that can reduce anxiety, sharpen memory, and treat symptoms of depression. It’s a simple practice, yet its power is immense. It’s like the secret sauce of well-being, right under our noses (literally!).

But here’s where it gets even more exciting. Breathwork isn’t merely a relaxation technique (although it’s fantastic at that). It’s a transformational tool. It’s a key that can unlock doors to parts of ourselves we’ve never visited. It’s a journey into the depths of our being, revealing insights and releasing blockages. It can even heal (dare I say lifetimes) of trauma! 

And for something so powerful, so transformative, shouldn’t we take the time to truly understand it? That’s where longer breathwork certification programs come into play. But to make the right choice for you, letā€™s explore both the pros and cons of both long vs short breathwork certification programs.


Long vs Short Breathwork Certification Programs

Now let’s get to the heart of the matter, especially if you have no previous experience teaching transformational work. The magic of breathwork lies in embodying it, in making it a part of your very being. And that, my dear friends, takes time.

Longer certification programs offer a profound opportunity to not just learn about breathwork but to live it, breathe it, and embody it. Itā€™s like learning a new language. You canā€™t expect to become fluent after a crash course over a weekend. True fluency comes from immersing yourself in the language, practicing it day in and day out, understanding the nuances, and even dreaming in it!

The same principle applies to breathwork. Embodying breathwork means more than knowing the techniquesā€”it means understanding its foundations, its effects on the mind and body, and its transformative potential. Itā€™s about grasping the neuroscience behind it, understanding how breathwork can be trauma-informed, and exploring the energetics of breathwork (all of which we cover in our program).

Let’s take a moment to break that down. 


The Magic of Embodying Breathwork: Why Time Matters

Now let’s get to the heart of the matter, especially if you have no previous experience teaching transformational work. The magic of breathwork lies in embodying it, in making it a part of your very being. And that, my dear friends, takes time.

Longer certification programs offer a profound opportunity to not just learn about breathwork but to live it, breathe it, and embody it. Itā€™s like learning a new language. You canā€™t expect to become fluent after a crash course over a weekend. True fluency comes from immersing yourself in the language, practicing it day in and day out, understanding the nuances, and even dreaming in it!

The same principle applies to breathwork. Embodying breathwork means more than knowing the techniquesā€”it means understanding its foundations, its effects on the mind and body, and its transformative potential. Itā€™s about grasping the neuroscience behind it, understanding how breathwork can be trauma-informed, and exploring the energetics of breathwork (all of which we cover in our program).

Let’s take a moment to break that down. 

Neuroscience is at the core of breathworkā€”it’s the science that explains why and how breathwork impacts our mental and physical health. Having a solid understanding of this helps you guide others through breathwork sessions with confidence and knowledge, maximizing the benefits while ensuring safety.

Trauma-aware facilitation is another critical aspect of breathwork. Many people turn to breathwork as a healing modality, often carrying with them experiences of trauma. As a facilitator, understanding how to navigate these delicate situations is crucial. This requires in-depth knowledge, sensitivity, and practiceā€”elements that are nurtured over time in longer certification programs like ours.

And finally, the energetics of breathwork. This is where breathwork transcends from being a physical practice to a holistic mind-body-spirit experience. Understanding energetics allows you to guide others not only in altering their breathing patterns but in shifting their energy, creating profound transformation.

So, while shorter programs may give you a taste or overview of these elements, it’s the longer certifications that allow you to truly understand and embody them. They provide the time and space needed for you to immerse deeply, learn extensively, and emerge as a confident, knowledgeable, and empathetic breathwork facilitator.

The Value of Support: Building a Lasting Community

Now that weā€™ve touched on what you will learn and embody in a longer container, letā€™s talk about the value of support. One of the most beautiful aspects of a longer breathwork certification program like ours is the abundance of support it offers. It’s like joining a tribe, a community that walks alongside you throughout your journey of learning and transformation.

Just imagineā€”you’re not just sitting through lectures and studying on your own. You’re connecting with like-minded individuals who share your passion for breathwork. You’re forming deep connections, bonds that go beyond the duration of the program. This isn’t just a networkā€”it’s a family.

And let’s talk about the Pause Mentors. In our program, you get to learn from experienced instructors who’ve walked the path you’re embarking on. They’re not just there to teachā€”they’re there to guide, to inspire, and to support. They’re there to answer your questions, to help you navigate challenges, and to celebrate your wins. They offer a wealth of wisdom and experience that enriches your learning journey.

But the support doesn’t stop when the program ends. No, babe, it continues. The relationships you form, the community you buildā€”these last beyond the program. You have a network of fellow breathwork enthusiasts to collaborate with, to share experiences with, and to continue learning from. And that’s priceless.

Having a mentor and a supportive community during the learning process is like having a safety net. It gives you the confidence to take risks, to explore deeper, and to push your boundaries. It reminds you that you’re not alone on this journeyā€”that you’re a part of something bigger.

So yes, a longer breathwork certification program is an investmentā€”of time, of resources. But it’s also an opportunityā€”an opportunity to learn deeply, to grow personally and professionally, and to join a community that supports and uplifts you. It’s more than just a programā€”it’s a transformative journey. And trust me, it’s worth it. 

The Responsibility of Facilitating Transformation: It’s Not a Light Task

Finally, we canā€™t leave without talking about the responsibility of leadership. Becoming a breathwork facilitator isn’t a task to be taken lightlyā€”it’s a journey that comes with immense responsibility. You’re not just guiding people through a technique; you’re facilitating their journey of emotional, mental, and spiritual transformation. And that, my dear friends, requires a level of readiness and understanding that can’t be rushed.

As a facilitator, youā€™re often dealing with individuals who are delving into deep parts of themselves, uncovering emotions, and confronting past traumas. This is delicate territory, and it’s essential to approach it with sensitivity, knowledge, and preparedness.

Inadequate training can pose risks and cause more harm (like re-traumatization) ā€” not only to the individuals you’re guiding but to your own well-being. Imagine being in the middle of a session and a participant experiences an emotional release or a panic attack. Are you prepared to handle that situation? Do you have the necessary skills and knowledge to provide the support they need while ensuring the safety of others in the group?

These “what if” scenarios aren’t meant to scare you, but to highlight the importance of comprehensive training. Breathwork is powerful, and with power comes responsibility. As a facilitator, it’s your duty to ensure that every session is conducted in a safe, supportive, and respectful manner.

Longer certification programs equip you with the tools to handle various scenarios. They delve into the intricacies of emotional and psychological responses, teach trauma-aware practices, and prepare you to handle unexpected situations. They give you the confidence to step into your role as a facilitator, knowing that you’re ready for whatever comes your way.

Remember, your role as a breathwork facilitator is more than a job ā€” it’s a calling. It’s a commitment to guide others on their journey of transformation. So embrace the learning process, invest in comprehensive training, and step into your role with confidence and responsibility. The world needs more breathwork facilitators, and it’s time to answer that call. 


Pause: Doing Things Differently

With everything weā€™ve covered, do you have a better understanding of why our program is 6 months and not 7 days? At Pause, we understand that breathwork is both an art and a science, and our approach to teaching reflects this philosophy.

Pause offers a unique breathwork certification program that goes beyond the basics. We’re not just teaching techniquesā€”we’re guiding you on a journey of self-discovery and personal growth. Our program is designed to help you explore the depths of your being, uncover hidden potential, and tap into the transformative power of breathwork.

We believe in the power of comprehensive learning, and that’s why our curriculum covers a wide range of topicsā€”from neuroscience and trauma-informed facilitation to energetics and the practice of embodiment. We delve deep into each topic, providing you with a thorough understanding that allows you to confidently guide others on their breathwork journeys.

But what truly sets Pause apart is our commitment to supporting our students every step of the way. We understand that the journey of learning and transformation can be challenging, which is why we provide a robust support system. From experienced mentors who share their wisdom and insights to a supportive community of fellow learners who share your passion for breathworkā€”you’re never alone on your journey.

At Pause, we’re doing things differently. We’re not just training breathwork facilitatorsā€”we’re nurturing a community of passionate individuals committed to bringing about positive change in the world, one breath at a time. Join us, and experience the Pause difference. If you feel ready to get started, apply today. 

To Wrap it Up: The Call for More Embodied, Knowledgeable, Experienced Facilitators

As we journey through the transformative world of breathwork, one thing becomes abundantly clear: the need for more embodied, knowledgeable, and experienced facilitators. Breathwork is more than a techniqueā€”it’s a powerful tool for healing and transformation. And guiding others through this process requires a depth of understanding that can’t be achieved in a weekend course.

So, as you consider stepping into the role of a breathwork facilitator, pause for a moment. Consider the depth and responsibility of breathwork. Reflect on the transformative power it holds, and ask yourself: Am I ready to guide others on this journey? Do I have the necessary knowledge, skills, and support?

If you feel a call to dive deeper, to learn more, to become an embodied and knowledgeable facilitatorā€”embrace it. Choose a certification program that aligns with your goals and offers the comprehensive training you need. The world needs more breathwork facilitators, and perhaps, you are one of them. So take that step, embrace the journey, and let’s breathe our way to transformation together!

Take the next step with our FREE Training: Get Lasting Results for Your Coaching Clients.


With love,

Samantha Skelly & The Pause Breathwork Team


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