Breathwork vs Meditation: Which is Right for Your Clients?

breathwork vs meditation

Breathwork vs. Meditation: Which is Right for Your Clients?

As a coach or healer, you may be wondering whether to incorporate breathwork or meditation into your practice. And I get it… there’s a debate going on about which is better for your clients. While I can see the benefits to both, I’m here to help you figure out which one is right for your clients.Ā 

Now obviously, here at Pause Breathwork, we’re a bit biased, but that doesn’t mean we don’t LOVE meditation for its own reasons. So, in the breathwork vs. meditation debate, let’s explore the key differences between the two practices and see which one is right for your community.

Sound good?

Let’s dive in!

First up, what is breathwork?

Breathwork is a form of active meditation that uses… you guessed it… your breath! The goal is to use specific breath patterns to shift your state and help you access different parts of your consciousness. It’s also a powerful tool to help release emotions trapped within the body.

The benefits of breathwork include:

  • Balanced blood pressure.
  • More time in deep sleep.
  • Reduction of PTSD and feelings of trauma.
  • Stronger respiratory function.
  • Better immune system.
  • Release of stress hormones from the body.

(Source: WebMD)

Types of breathwork

There are many different types of breathwork, but they all have one goal in common: to help your clients connect to their breath and use it as a tool to change their inner state.

Some breathwork techniques focus on lengthening the inhale and exhale, while others emphasize breath retention or breath control. And there are endless variations on these themes.

Here are some of the most popular breathwork techniques:

– Pranayama: This is a type of breathwork that originates from yoga. It emphasizes lengthening the inhale and exhale, as well as breath retention.

– Wim Hof Method: The Wim Hof Method bridges conscious breathing with cold exposure. It’s a great way to boost your immune system and increase energy levels.

– Holotropic breathwork: This is a more intense breathwork technique that uses rapid breathing to reach an altered state of consciousness.

– Buteyko Breathing: This is a type of complementary or alternative physical therapy that utilizes breathing exercises as a primary treatment for asthma and other respiratory problems.

– Pause Breathwork: The Pause Technique is a method of using continual breathwork to release anxiety and stress, while unlocking your infinite potential. The technique uses the breath as the healer to shift stuck emotions that create heaviness & overwhelm in the body.

So, which breathwork technique is right for your clients?

It really depends on what your clients are looking to get out of the experience. If theyā€™re interested in reaching an altered state of consciousness or deepening their meditation practice, then pranayama or holotropic breathwork might be a good fit. If they’re looking to relieve stress and anxiety, then the Pause Technique could be a good choice. And if they’re interested in breath control and expanding their breath capacity, then the Wim Hof Method might be for them.

Ultimately, there is no right or wrong breathwork technique. The best breathwork for your clients is the one that resonates with them and meets their needs. And they can all have overlapping benefits and results too!

How to get started with breathwork

If you’re interested in adding breathwork to your business, then the best place to start is doing it yourself. You can start with a breathwork class, 1:1 Breathwork Session, or by downloading an App. This will allow you to learn about different breathwork techniques and find one that resonates with you first and foremost.

Now, let’s take a look at meditation…

What is Meditation?

Meditation is an ancient practice that has been used for centuries to help people quiet their minds, focus their thoughts, and find inner peace.

The Benefits of Meditation:

  • Gaining a new perspective on stressful situations
  • Building skills to manage stress
  • Increasing self-awareness
  • Focusing on the present
  • Reducing negative emotions
  • Increasing imagination and creativity
  • Increasing patience and tolerance

(Source: Mayo Clinic)

Types of Meditation:

There are many different types of meditation, but they all share the same goal: to help your clients achieve a state of inner peace. Some popular types of meditation include:

– Mindfulness Meditation: This type of meditation teaches people to focus on the present moment and become aware of their thoughts, emotions, and sensations without interpreting or judging them.

– Transcendental Meditation: This type of meditation involves repeating a mantra or phrase to in order to help focus the thoughts and achieve inner peace.

– Guided Meditation: This type of meditation involves following along with a guided audio track that helps people relax and focus their thoughts.

– Visualization Meditation: This type of meditation involves picturing images in the mind in order to help people relax and find inner peace.

So, which type of meditation is right for your clients?

Again, it really depends on what they’re looking to get out of the experience. If they’re interested in learning to focus their thoughts and let go of stress, then mindfulness meditation might be a good fit. If they’re looking for a way to relax and find inner peace, then transcendental or visualization meditation could be a good choice. And if they’re looking for a guided experience to escape 3D reality for a brief moment, then guided meditation might be the best option.

The bottom line is that there is no wrong way to meditate. The best meditation for your clients is the one that resonates and meets their needs.

How to get started with meditation

If you’re interested in offering meditation to your clients, then the best place to start is with a meditation class, book, or audio program. This will help you practice different types of meditation and find the one that resonates with you first. Once you’ve found a type of meditation that you enjoy, then you can start learning how to facilitate.Ā 

So, breathwork vs. meditation…which is right for your clients?

It really depends on your unique clientsā€™ body, mind, and energy. For example, for so long, I just couldn’t sit still long enough to meditate because I was overwhelmed by anxiety – so meditation just wasn’t for me. But breathwork was a game-changer because it helped me release stored trauma in my body so I could find a sense of peace and clarity. And now I find I can meditate more easily after doing breathwork first. So breathwork can also be a great way to compliment your meditation offer by providing another outlet to clear the mind and come into the present moment.

But if your clients try meditation and they are someone who loves the peace that comes with it, then continue what you’re doing with them! Breathwork might feel too activating or intense for them at first (but we have many gentle practices on the App to help them ease into it).

If you’re not sure where to start, then my best advice is to try both breathwork and meditation and see which one resonates with YOU first, then consider bringing it to your clients. You might be surprised by how much you enjoy one (or both!) of these practices. The most important thing is to find what works for you and go with it!

So, what’s the verdict? Is breathwork better than meditation or vice versa?

There is no right or wrong answer! I’ve said it before, but I’ll say it again: it all depends on your clients needs and what they want to get out of the experience. I do want to highlight some interesting research though that Dr. Andrew P. Huberman, Ph.D. has shared (a Neuroscience Professor at Stanford University). It showed that 5 minutes of daily breathwork outperformed meditation for improving mood & automatic regulation. Plus, breathwork worked better to lower stress around the clock.

However, breathwork and meditation are still both great practices that offer many benefits, so there’s no need to choose one over the other.Ā 

Breathwork vs. meditation doesn’t have to be breathwork OR meditation. It can be breathwork AND meditation! Ya feel me? šŸ˜‰

If you’re looking for more info on how you can add breathwork to your business, then be sure to watch our FREE Training to get started: Click here to learn more about getting your clients lasting results!

Want to 10X your Impact, Influence & Income + help your clients get lasting results?

If you want to learn even more about breathwork and incorporate it into your coaching business, Iā€™m offering a FREE Breathwork TrainingĀ called ā€œGet Lasting Results for Your Coaching Clientsā€. This training will dive deep into:

  • Why breathwork is the fastest growing healing modality right now, and why itā€™s important to add it to your coaching toolkit
  • 1 Technique that you can start using with your clients right now that will help you stand out from other coaches
  • How breathwork can help you grow your business to 5 figure months
  • And much more juicy goodnessā€¦

Sign up for theĀ free breathwork training hereĀ to add this powerful tool to your coaching business and start seeing incredible results with your clients. Youā€™ll learn how to incorporate this in a way that feels natural and intuitive, not forced or inauthentic. I canā€™t wait to share this with you!

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