Get the Right Client Results with These 4 Breathwork Techniques

Woman in the the countryside doing breathwork

Get the Right Client Results with These 4 Breathwork Techniques

Did you know that not all breathwork techniques are created equal? Yup… there are soooooo many different techniques designed for different purposes from many schools of thought! You may have heard of Holotropic Breathwork, Whim Hoff, or Conscious Connected Breathing. Each one of these types of breathwork offers a different flavor to breathwork. Some techniques will be very activating on the nervous system, while others will calm people down near-instantly.

Here at Pause, we’ve created signature breath patterns for many purposes! There’s literally something for everyone and every desired outcome. The key is knowing what breathwork technique to use when, especially when working with clients – because the wrong technique used at the wrong time could cause the opposite result of what you want! So in this blog, I will teach you the four core breathwork techniques we teach here at Pause and the best times to use them with your clients (or your personal practice).

Ready to go, yo? Letzzzzz roll!

Our Signature Pause Breathwork Techniques (and Their Benefits)

As I already mentioned, we teach four core breathwork techniques here at Pause. If you already use our Mobile App or have taken one of our programs, you might already be familiar with them! But if not, no worries. Here they are:

  1. The Tri-Active Breath
  2. The Halo-Active Breath
  3. The Bliss Breath
  4. The Blow Breath


Now let’s break ’em down nice and simple so you can understand their differences and benefits…

The Tri-Active Breathwork Technique

How to do the Tri-Active Breath:

The Tri-Active Breathwork technique includes a double inhale, and a single exhale through the mouth (so it’s a “3-part” breath, hence “tri” active).

To begin, start by inhaling through the mouth and into the belly. Then inhale again through the mouth, but this time into the chest. Then let out one long exhale through the mouth. And repeat.

If it helps, you can put your left hand on your belly and right hand on your chest and just feel the air coming in and outta your body.

The Benefits of the Tri-Active Breathwork Technique:

Because this is a double inhale breath pattern, it will increase oxygen and double the lung capacity. For example, our lung capacity goes from 50% to 100%. This will bring in A LOT of energy into the body and release a lot of energy as a result. So the primary benefit of this breathwork technique is that it’s very activating and energizing if you need a boost or to shake something loose.

You can think of the Tri-Active Breath as being very guttural, grounding, and deep. It can help us connect to our primal energy, lower chakras, and earth energy.

The Halo-Active Breathwork Technique

How to do the Halo-Active Breath:

The Halo-Active Breath circulates breath in through the nose and out through the mouth. It’s straightforward but VERY potent. Inhale through the nose, and exhale through the mouth at your own pace. The faster you do it, the more energizing it will be, and the slower you go, the more calming effect it will have.

The reason why it’s called the Halo-Active Breath is because I want you to imagine a halo of light making its way through your body as you breathe. Imagine the light coming in through your nose, circulating energy and light, breathing in everything you desire, then exhaling everything you do not want that no longer serves you.

The Benefits of the Halo-Active Breathwork Technique:

This beautiful, gentle breath pattern can help you heal and find peace more softly. It can be very relaxing and safe for the nervous system to breathe in this way.

Bonus tip:

Try also adding a sound on the exhale, like a deep sigh. Why? Because we move energy in one of three ways; through breath, movement, and sound. When we allow the breath and the sound to be coupled, it’s really grounding and can assist us with dropping into our bodies for a more profound transformation and letting go.

The Bliss Breathwork Technique

How to do the Bliss Breath:

What’s unique about this breathwork technique is that it’s done only through the nose. So to do it, simply inhale through the nose consciously, and exhale through the nose consciously at your own pace.

The Benefits of the Bliss Breathwork Technique:

This one is called the “Bliss Breath” because it deeply touches the heart and throat energy centers. You can think of it as a “higher energy” breath pattern that works with the upper chakras in the body; your heart, throat, third eye, and crown. This breathwork technique can assist in accessing “higher realm” energy or higher states of consciousness.

The Blow Breathwork Technique

How to do the Blow Breath:

Finally, the last Pause Breathwork technique is done in and out through the mouth only (at your own pace).

The Benefits of the Blow Breathwork Technique:

Like the Tri-Active Breath, the Blow Breath is also a deeply activating breath and connects people to lower chakras – it’s very earthy and fire-like. Although it’s a slightly different flavor of activation compared to the Tri-Active Breath (you’ll have to try them both to see what I mean!).

Tips for Getting the Best Results with These Breathwork Techniques

Okay, now that you know the difference between these four breathwork techniques and their benefits…. let’s look at specific cases where you might find a use for them!

If you have a client that struggles with anxiety…

You don’t want a breath pattern that will be super activating to their nervous system, right? So using a breathwork technique that is too energizing or fast is not the best choice. Instead, choose one that focuses more on depth over speed. This means a slower, more gentle Bliss Breath or the Halo-Active Breath would be a better choice over the Tri-Active or Blow Breath… ya feel me?

Also, adding a sound to the exhale can really support them to drop out of their heads and into their bodies.

On the other hand, if a client is stuck or low energy (or more on the depressed end of the emotional spectrum) …

Then breathwork techniques with a more energizing effect will be the better choice. So utilizing a breath pattern like the Tri-Active or Blow Breath could be beneficial in giving them a “boost” of energy and life force.

Adding in some movement, like shaking or bouncing with the breath, can also help to get the energy moving and help them to feel more alive (or “activated”).

Remember, breathwork isn’t a one-size-fits-all kind of thing. The key is to find what works best for each individual. So experiment with these breathwork techniques, and see what works best for your clients.

How to Begin Using These Breathwork Techniques With Your Clients

If you are a coach, healer, or facilitator, adding breathwork into your client sessions will positively impact their transformation. Just imagine the empowerment they will feel once introduced to these tools that can create rapid transformation and lasting results. It can be life-changing for someone to experience the healing power of their own bodies for the first time! Plus, learn how to open their heart and connect more deeply to their intuition.

If you’re ready to elevate your client sessions with breathwork, I’ve put together a simple yet effective FREE cheatsheet for you.

It’s called the Guided Breathwork Cheatsheet, and it includes three ways to use these Pause Breathwork Techniques in combination at different times during a session. It includes guided breathwork practices for opening a session, closing a session, and for when your client is hitting a wall in their mind and needs support to open up.

With this free cheatsheet, you’ll have three new powerful breathwork techniques that you can use with your clients to help them transform on the deepest level. You can check it out and start adding these breathwork techniques into your sessions with your clients as soon as tomorrow.

How to Deepen Your Own Breathwork Facilitation Mastery

Are you craving an education even deeeeeeeeper than just a blog post or cheatsheet? Well, my friend, we also have a 6-month Pause Breathwork Facilitator Training that will walk you through everything you need to know and embody to become a confident breathwork facilitator.

You’ll go through your own personal transformation to fully embody what it’s like to heal yourself with this powerful tool. Then you’ll be shown how to guide others in breathwork from a trauma-aware lens.

The program also goes into the neuroscience of breathwork and how it physiologically changes the body and mind.

You’ll finish the training feeling masterful at facilitating breathwork. In addition, you’ll have gained a new skill that will skyrocket your coaching results and allow you to make even more money in your business (because, let’s be real… the better results, the more referrals!).

If you’re curious about what it would look like to add breathwork to your business and learn more about how you can 10x your impact, income, and influence, check out this FREE Training here. It will give you a taste of this work and support you with the next steps to see if the full Breathwork Facilitator Training Program is right for you.

What’cha waitin’ for, boo? Get instant access to the FREE Training below.

To Wrap it Up…

I hope this post was super helpful when it comes to knowing what breathwork technique to use for the right results your clients want.

If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to reach out. We’re here to support you in activating more of your healing gifts and stepping into embodied leadership.

Want to 10X your Impact, Influence & Income + help your clients get lasting results?

Discover The Secret to Deeper Lasting Results for YOU and your Clients! Click below to get access to our FREE 30-minute training to learn the secrets of building a 5-6 Figure Breathwork Business that gets your clients LASTING results.

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