Deep dive into your own personal growth and purpose, so that you can become the most powerful and effective coach, healer, or facilitator possible.

This virtual transformational journey is delivered through a pre-recorded vision workshop, and 21 days of daily breathwork paired with self-reflection exercises.

I know you've heard the term 'embodiment' being thrown aroundā€¦

It’s more than just a buzzword ā€” it’s a powerful practice that can significantly deepen your connection with yourself and your clients. But how can you teach something you haven’t fully experienced? 

That’s where this program comes in.

This 21-day journey is designed to guide you through a transformative processā€¦

If youā€™ve ever felt like an impostor, or had the thought ā€œIā€™m not there yet ā€“ so I canā€™t help othersā€, then this journey is perfect for you.

Itā€™s been designed to dissolve your doubts and help you powerfully step into confident leadership.

First, youā€™ll start with a vision embodiment exercise to get crystal clear on how you want your life and business to look and feel. Then, youā€™ll dive into a 21-day breathwork journey, providing you with a first-hand experience of embodied transformation.

Let's chat about who this journey is really forā€¦

For all you seasoned coaches, healers & facilitators out there, feeling a bit stuck with who you are and feel trapped in your head or maybe feeling like there’s a little something missing in your work, like there’s a deeper level of connection, fulfillment, and impact you could be achieving ā€” this journey is for you.Ā 

The 21-Day Embodiment Journey is your ticket to reignite that spark, to discover new tools that’ll help your clients break free from their mental blocks and step into genuine transformation.Ā 

But first, it starts with YOUā€¦ you can only take people as deep as youā€™ve gone yourself.

And for those of you who feel the calling to be of service, who know deep down that you’re meant to be a coach or healer but aren’t quite sure where to start ā€” I see you. And this journey is for you too.Ā 

It’s your stepping stone, your key to unlocking your path and kick-starting your purpose-driven career.

So, whether you’re an experienced coach seeking a spark of inspiration or a complete newbie looking to find your path, this journey is designed to elevate your practice and transform lives ā€” starting with your own.Ā 

Let’s take this step together, embracing the power of embodiment, and let’s see just how deep we can go.

Hear Stories From Our Participants

Let's dive into what this magical 21-day journey has in store for youā€¦


Vision Ascension Workshop

We kick things off with a 3-hr pre-recorded vision workshop with Samantha Skelly. This isn’t just about setting goals – it’s about getting crystal clear on how you want your life and business to feel. You’ll tap into your heart and soul, envisioning the path that truly aligns with you.

This module is designed to help you lay a solid foundation for your personal growth and development.

In this workshop, we’ll be focusing on the following key areas:

Clarifying Your Vision: We’ll begin by exploring the deepest desires of your heart and passions. By getting clear on your life and business vision, you’ll create a powerful compass that will guide you throughout the rest of this journey.

Identifying Your Blocks: Next, we’ll dive into any fears, doubts, or limiting beliefs that might be holding you back from fully stepping into your power as a coach, healer, or facilitator. By bringing these blocks to light, you’ll be better equipped to face and overcome them.

Cultivating Self-Trust: As a coach, healer, or facilitator (or aspiring one), it’s essential to trust yourself, your body, and your intuition. In this workshop, we’ll explore ways to strengthen your self-trust and learn to listen to the wisdom within, so you can take inspired action.


21-Day Breathwork Journey

Next, you’ll embark on a breathwork journey. This isn’t just a daily routine; it’s an immersive, transformative experience. Over the course of these 21 days, you will be diving deep into personal transformation like never before. You’ll get a firsthand taste of these powerful embodiment tools and understand how they can create deep, profound change in your life.

Each day, you’ll engage in a breathwork meditation designed to connect you with your body and spirit on a deeper level. These sessions aren’t just about the act of breathing; they’re about exploring the power of breath as a tool for healing, growth, and transformation.

And it doesn’t stop at breathwork. You’ll also engage in a self-reflection exercise each day, providing a chance to connect with your inner self and explore your feelings, thoughts, and experiences.

Throughout this journey, we’ll be focusing on three core themes: purpose, safety, and manifestation.Ā 

Each theme is designed to help you explore different aspects of your life and your being, helping you to cultivate a deeper understanding of yourself and your path, so that you can become a more embodied facilitator and get your clients lasting results.

Live Call Schedule

Our journey together will be spread over a span of 21 days. During this time, you’ll have access to 3 group calls that happen once a week, and a 1:1 Call at the end, which are all an integral part of your transformational journey.

Weekly Group Calls: Every Thursday at 12:00 pm PST, we’ll gather for an inspiring and empowering group call. These calls are designed to deepen your understanding of the week’s theme, answer any questions you may have, and provide a supportive space for sharing and connection.

1:1 Breakthrough Call: Then after the 21-days are up, youā€™ll be invited to your 4th and final LIVE call, which is a 1:1 call with one of our Program Specialists. This call will support you in integrating your experience and support you in clarifying the next steps on your breathwork facilitator journey.

All the calls will take place on Zoom on Thursdays at 12:00 pm PST.Ā 

Remember, each of these calls is an opportunity to connect with like-minded souls, deepen your understanding, and further your transformation. So I encourage you to show up, engage, and make the most of these beautiful gatherings.

module 1:


This week is not about searching for something external; it’s about revealing what’s already within you. Through breathwork sessions, self-reflection exercises, and group calls, we’ll explore what brings joy and fulfillment, identify your unique worth, and awaken confidence to impact the world. Get ready to embrace your passions, align with your values, and explore your infinite potential. This is where your transformation begins!

module 2:


As we step into the second week of our transformative journey, we’ll be focusing on cultivating a sense of safety. This is not just about physical well-being, but also emotional, mental, and spiritual safety. This week we’ll explore how to develop an inner sanctuary that supports you to embody your purpose and confidently step into your power. Get ready for another transformative week!

module 3:


In the third week of our transformative journey, we focus on power – recognizing and harnessing your inner strength to create your reality. This we’ll explore what personal power means to you and how you can use it to manifest your vision. This week is designed to empower you to take inspired action, follow your intuition, and say YES to your soulā€™s calling. Get ready to awaken the power within and feel unstoppable!Ā 

Meet Your Support Team

All pre-recorded content and breathwork audios are created by
Samantha Skelly.

Samantha Skelly

Founder of Pause Breathwork

Introducing, Samantha Skelly – a powerhouse entrepreneur, international best selling author, sought after international speaker, host of The Canā€™t Be Contained Podcast & Founder of the worldā€™s leading breathwork brand, Pause Breathwork.Ā 

For over a decade Samantha has made a significant impact in the world of spiritual & personal transformation. Her trauma-informed approach to healing and awakening through the power of breathwork has changed the lives of over 500,00 people & counting. Her mission advances through training & certifying people to become breathwork facilitators & through her innovation mobile app – Pause Breathwork.Ā 

Samantha has shared the stage with inspirational leaders such as Tony Robbins, Kobe Bryant, Marie Forleo & Marianne Williamson. Her work has been featured in Forbes, Entrepreneur Magazine, Womenā€™s Health, Global TV, The Doctors & CBS.

Participant Celebrations

Overview of what's included:

Total Value: $1533

Actual Investment: $497 $297

Limited Time Offer with Promo Code: JOURNEYDISCOUNTĀ at checkout

Are you ready to dive deep to awaken your own infinite potential as a leader?

This 21-Day Embodiment Journey is an incredible opportunity for you to deepen your understanding of yourself, embrace your purpose, cultivate safety and power, and become a more embodied coach, healer, or facilitator.

Itā€™s time to say YES to the calling within and explore everything that the breath has to offer you and your clients.

We canā€™t WAIT to meet you and be your guides on this powerful personal deep dive!

Frequently Asked Questions

This program is designed for coaches, healers, facilitators, or anyone who is passionate about personal and professional development and eager to deepen their understanding of themselves, gain clarity on their purpose, cultivate safety and power within themselves, and become more embodied in their work.

You will have access to the course right away.

While this can vary depending on your personal journey, we recommend setting aside 20-60 mins each day for the breathwork audios and self-reflection exercises.

In addition to that, the initial Vision Ascension Workshop is 3 hrs (you can watch it at your own pace).

Pause Breathwork is a method where we use continual breathwork to break down emotions in the body that are stagnant and create havoc on our energetic systems. Breathwork is a practice of allowing our systems to see a different perspective whereby we feel deeply connected to our bodies and understand and experience the intelligence contained within our systems. Pause Breathwork is a way to heal, release, and transform.

Here are the most common benefits:

Immediate stress reduction & anxiety relief.
Connect with your emotions & change your response to them.
Revitalizes your organs.
Gives you access to your higher power.
Reduces toxins in your body & provides an energetic release.
More energy & mental clarity.
Deepens your relationship with your body.
Release trauma that has been stuck in your system for years.

That’s totally fine! This journey is designed to accommodate both beginners and experienced practitioners. You’ll receive guidance every step of the way.

Once you enroll, you’ll receive email access to the pre-recorded content in the Pause Learning Portal.

Your purchase includes access to our 3-hr pre-recorded Vision Ascension Workshop, 21-Day Breathwork Journey with daily guided audios and self-reflection exercises.

You can join us now by clicking the [JOIN NOW] button at the bottom of this page! We look forward to meeting you and being your guides on this powerful personal deep dive.Ā 

Are you ready to say yes to the calling within?

Then join us now as we embark on this powerful journey together.

This is an incredible opportunity for personal growth and transformation that will help you become a more embodied coach, healer, or facilitator. It’s time to unleash your true potential and step fully into the power of YOU! 

Ā Let’s do this, Light Beam!Ā